December 2024

Salt of the Earth and Light of the World

"Salt of the Earth and Light of the World Matthew 5:13-16 Theme: In this message we will see that you are salt and you are light.

The Beatitudes (Part 2)

"The Beatitudes" (Part 2)  Matthew 5:1-12 Theme:  In this message we will see that blessed are: those who are meek, and those who hunger.

November 2024

The Beatitudes (Part 1)

"The Beatitudes" (Part 1) Matthew 5:1-12 Theme: In this message we will see that blessed are the poor in spirit.

The King’s Diving Credentials”

"The King's Divine Credentials" Matthew 4:23-25 Theme: In this message we will see the Ultimate Fisher of men.

Fishing for Men

Fishing for Men Matthew 4:18-22 Theme: In this message we will see the King's men.

The Light Dawns

The Light Dawns Matthew 4:12-17 Theme: In this message we will see Jesus' fortitude during His testing.

October 2024

The Testing of Jesus (Part 3)

The Testing of Jesus Part 2

"The Testing of Jesus" Part 2 Matthew 4:1-11 Theme: In this message we will see Jesus' faith during His testing.

The Testing of Jesus Part 1

"The Testing of Jesus" Part 1 Theme: In this message we will see Jesus' focus during His testing.  Matthew 4:1-11

The Coronation of the King

"The Coronation of the King" Matthew 3:13-17 Theme: In this message we will see the crowning of the King, the declaration of Jesus' Kingship.