For older sermon videos, click the video icon () under the sermon's title below or press play for audio.

April 2018

Jesus’ Third Appearance

John 21:1-19 - The reality of the Resurrection

March 2018

Sarah’s Death and Burial

Genesis 23:1-20 - In relation to Sarah's death, we see Abraham's weeping, witness, awareness, and tomb

The Isaac Test

Genesis 22:1-14 - Abraham's ultimate test of faith

Joy and Sorrow

Genesis 21:1-21 - What Abraham learned from the birth of Isaac and the expulsion of Ishmael

The Same Ol’ Sin

Genesis 20:1-18 - Repeating sin

February 2018

God Rescues Lot

Genesis 19:1-38 - The rescue of Lot

Abraham’s Plea

Genesis 18:16-33 - Abraham intercedes for Sodom.

Dinner with the Lord

Genesis 18:1-15 - Abraham's ministering to three heavenly visitors, and a message for Sarah

Covenant Circumcision

Genesis 18:1-15 - Circumcision speaks of spiritual obedience

January 2018

Sarai and Hagar

Genesis 16:1-16 - The mistake of trying to help God out.