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June 2018


Genesis 30:25-43 - God prospered Jacob

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Jacob’s Sons

Genesis 29:31-30:24 - Birth Wars:  The Beginning of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

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Laban’s Deception

Genesis 29:1-30 - The deceiver deceived

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Jacob’s Dream

Genesis 28:10-22 - Jacob's ladder

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May 2018

The Stolen Blessing

Genesis 27 - The ultimate dysfunctional family

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A Chapter Devoted to Isaac

Genesis 26 - Like father like son

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April 2018

Esau Sells His Birthright

Genesis 25:27-34 - We face repeated temptations to sell that which means the most for that which is worth so little

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The Birth of Esau and Jacob

Genesis 25:19-26 - The struggle within between the old and the new nature

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Abraham’s Death

Genesis 25:5-10 - A life of faith

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A Wife for Isaac

Genesis 24 - Rebekah was searched out, trained, and taken for Isaac as a wife

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