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November 2022

Divine Appointment

 Acts 10:1-48
We will see in this message that we can simply obey the call of God in missions, and leave the results to Him, for He is the Savior. 

Peter on Mission

Acts 9:32-43
We will see in this message Peter's missionary journey.

October 2022

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Saul Ravages the Church

"Saul Ravages the Church"
Acts 8:1-8

September 2022

Seven Chosen to Serve

Acts 6:1-7
We will see in this passage church unity and remaining focused on the mission.

August 2022

Many Signs and Wonders

Acts 5:12-16

In this message we will see that in answer to the church's prayers, God granted bold proclamation and stretched out His hand with signs and wonders for the advancement of His Kingdom.

July 2022

Prayer for Boldness

Prayer for Boldness
Acts 4:23-31
In this message we will see that the Early Church prayed for boldness while in the midst of God ordained persecution.

Peter and John Before the Council

Acts 4:1-22
In this message we will see that the world hates Jesus because He is not of this world.

The Lame Beggar Healed

The Lame Beggar Healed
Acts 3:1-10
In this message we will see that Jesus Christ gives the faith He requires to believe on His name in order to receive His gift of salvation.

The Church

In this message we will see that we don't do church, we are the church.