For older sermon videos, click the video icon () under the sermon's title below or press play for audio.

March 2020

In His Father’s House

Luke 2:41-52
Don't leave without Jesus

Jesus Presented at the Temple

Luke 2:21-35
Simeon:  the man who died satisfied

February 2020

Back to Bethlehem

Luke 2:1-20
Marveling at the story of our Savior's birth

The Birth of Jesus Foretold

Luke 1:26-38
Gabriel's conversation with Mary

John the Baptist’s Birth

Luke 1:57-67, 76-77, 80
The arrival of John the Baptist

John the Baptist Foretold

Luke 1:5-25
The birth of John the Baptist is announced.

January 2020

Luke’s Gospel Introduced

Luke 1:1-4
An introduction to Luke's Gospel.

The Golden Calf

Exodus 32:1-35 - The causes, consequences, and confrontation of sin which leads to the chastisement against sin

December 2019

The Priestly Garments

Exodus 28:1-4 - The believer is to put on Christ as his garment

The Birth of Jesus

Luke 2:1-7 - The Christ came