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April 2019

The Plagues part 1

Exodus 7:14-8:32 - God's judgments on Egypt's false gods during the first four plagues

March 2019

Why Plagues?

Exodus chapters 7-11 - The purpose of the plagues

Appearing Before Pharaoh

Exodus 6:14-7:13 - The staff that swallowed the snakes

God Promises Deliverance

Exodus 6:1-13 -  God's encouragement and assurance to Moses

Making Bricks without Straw

Exodus 5:1-23 - A bad day in Egypt for Moses; A story of courageous faith and rebellious unbelief. 

Moses Returns to Egypt

Exodus 4:18-31 - Moses's journey back to Egypt

February 2019

Please Send Someone Else

Exodus 3:10-4:17 - Here I am, God, but would you please send someone else to accomplish Your task?

The Burning Bush

Exodus 3:1-9 - The burning bush and second chances

Moses in Midian

Exodus 2:11-25 - Moses in the wilderness

The Birth of Moses

Exodus 2:1-10 - Moses was born under a death sentence