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February 2021

Beware Religious Hypocrisy

Luke 12:1-12
Religious hypocrisy and the fear of man

Religious Hypocrisy Denounced

Luke 11:37-54 - The marks of religious hypocrisy

The Sign of Jonah

Luke 11:29-36
Theme:  Christ's only sign is Jonah.

January 2021

True Blessedness

Luke 11:23-28
The Blessing of conversion.

A House Divided

Me? A Servant?

Keep Asking, Searching, Knocking

Luke 11:5-13
Continue to teach us to pray.

“The Lord’s Prayer”

"The Lord's Prayer"
Luke 11:1-4
Teach us to pray.

December 2020

Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38-42

Birth of the Messiah

Luke 10:38-42