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October 2021

The Parable of the Vineyard Owner

In this message we will see that God is extremely patient when people oppose Him, but rejecting His Son, brings about swift vengeance.

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September 2021

Jesus’ Authority to cleanse the Temple

Luke 19:45-20:8
In this message we will see Jesus cleanse the Temple, and see His authority questioned.
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“The Triumphal Entry”

Luke 19:28-44
In this message we will see the True King enter His city.
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“The Parable of the Ten Minas”

Luke 19:11-27
Theme:  In this message we will see this parable is about understanding who our King is, and about our devotion to Him.
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Jesus and Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10
In this message we will see the seeking and saving of Zacchaeus.
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August 2021

Blindness for God’s Glory

Luke 18:31-43
In this message we will see that God can even use blindness to bring glory to himself.
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The Rich Ruler

Luke 18:18-30
In this message we will see the call for idolaters to release their idols. 
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Blessing the Children

Luke 18:15-17
Theme:  In this message we will see what it means to enter the Kingdom like a child.
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The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Luke 18:9-14
We will see in this message, justification according to Christ Jesus.
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The Parable of the Woman and the Judge

Luke 18:1-8
Theme:  In this message we will see that we should always pray and not lose heart.  We will see the fight for faith.
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