For older sermon videos, click the video icon () under the sermon's title below or press play for audio.

June 2019

The Amalekites Attack

Exodus 17:8-16 - Through God's power Israel defeats Amalek.

Water from the Rock

Exodus 17:1-7 - A marvelous picture of Salvation.

Manna from Heaven part 2

Exodus 16:4-36 - Trusting God to provide

Manna from Heaven part 1

Exodus 16:1-3 - The Israelites' murmuring, grumbling, and complaining

Water Provided

Exodus 15:22-27 - Healing for bitterness

May 2019

Israel’s Song

Exodus 15:1-21 - Praising God for deliverance through song.


Exodus 11:1-12:36 - The Passover

April 2019


Exodus 8:25-30; 10:8-11; 24-26 - The curse of compromise

Christ Resurrected

John 20 1-18; Mark 16:9 - The risen Christ comes to us in times of our deepest need, but He is often unrecognized.  He calls His own by name and conveys a message to be delivered.

The Plagues part 2

Exodus 9:1 - 10:29 - God continues to show his power over the Egyptian gods in the 5th through 9th plagues